We are proud to present, the NEDCON Test Center. For more thant 30 years, we have been testing components in our own lab. Since 2000 literally in-house in Doetinchem. Thanks to the Test Department, we possess knowledge that is unique in our sector and we use it to improve your storage systems.
Rack construction is a separate branch of science within the field of steel construction. In many cases, there are no mathematical models available to calculate the properties of rack components to a sufficient degree of accuracy. That is why we started doing our own tests. How does thin-walled perforated steel behave in practice? And how much force can the connections cope with? We have extracted a wealth of information from these tests, which we document and input in our mathematical models in order to design racks. This helps us to keep improving our products.
In the test center, we conduct the following tests:
Heavy structural tests, such as bending tests, collision tests and fatigue tests, to investigate the strength of the material or the construction.
Functional tests: how does a component or structure behave under normal use in the longer term?
Fast prototyping: we also use our test center to test designs. This saves a lot of time and calculation work.
We developed a lot of our testing equipment in-house. Such as our hydraulic loader for load and bending tests, and our impact tester, the forklift simulator. We also purchased measurement equipment from HBM, a leading supplier of measurement instruments. The tests must be validated. That is why we work with experts that independently determine whether our test setups meet the relevant standards. These experts are the Technical University of Dortmund and Büro Dr Möll. In addition, we have our measurement instruments calibrated annually.
allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung certification (abZ) Thanks to the validated outcomes and results from our tests, we are also eligible for an abZ certification for the German market. With the test results, we can show that our storage systems meet the strict German construction standards.
Welcome to our world
The NEDCON head office is located in Doetinchem (The Netherlands). We also have our own production facility in Pardubice (Czech Republic) and there are NEDCON offices in various European countries and the United States.